Get a Club Membership and join a great group of ladies that love the game of golf!
Club members play each Wednesday from the Gold tees, with tee times from 9:30 – 10:20 a.m. Rounds consist of 18-hole competitions with a variety of games.
Members will be using the Golf Genius app for signups, results, live scoring, etc. Registration will open one week in advance.
For all events and leagues, ENTER: dggc-2025ladiesleague.golfgenius.com
If for some reason you cannot get signed up on the website then you may call the Pro Shop and have them add you to the list. If you cannot play the day of play, PLEASE notify the Weekly Competition Committee Member as soon as possible that morning or call the Pro Shop.
Executive Committee Members 2025
Captain/Weekly Competition Chair | Jan Stover | janskis@outlook.com |
Rules | Pam Davis | redminipam@comcast.net |
Tournament Chair | Lisa Austell | lmathekid@comcast.net |
Weekly Registration
At any time, you can email: janskis@outlook.com or contact the pro shop with questions regarding the Ladies Club.
Kickoff Day – Come on out and enjoy a discounted rate for 18 holes before league play commences for the 2025 season.
When: March 29, 2025
Tee Times: 8 a.m. – 11:30 (please call the shop two weeks before)
Cost: $67 for golf, cart, range and tee prize!
Wednesday’s – Starting April 2 – Oct. 15, 2025
Ladies Club will have tee times available for weekly 18-hole competitions. Use Golf Genius to register and find out what the event for the week is.
Cost: $62 (plus tax) includes golf, cart and credit book deposit.
The amount of flights each week depend on how many participants earn credit book money and will be available in the member’s account the following week. If you would like a payout table, please contact Jan Stover
(Note: Credit Book in Player’s account expires at the end of each year)
Tournament Information
Druids Masters – 18 Hole Individual Stroke Play (April 12, 2025)
- Optional (If in Masters): Friday Night Par 3 mini competition
Member-Member – 18 Hole 2-Person Best Ball (May 24, 2025)
Member-Guest – 2 Day (36 Holes) 2-Person Team (July 26-27, 2025)
- Must participate in at least three prior events such as Wednesday league play or weekend/major event
- Optional (If in Member-Guest) Horse Race on Friday, July 26
- 7/26 – 2-Person Best Ball
- 7/27 – 2-Person Shamble
Druids Club Championship – 36 Hole Individual Stroke Play (TBD)
Must participate in five prior events such as Wednesday league play or weekend/major event (No exceptions)